Bouquet of lilies in fluted glass vase


Beautiful fluted vase with 8 stunning pink faux lilies

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Who adores lilies but doesn’t enjoy the stamen stains on their clothes or sneezing that is brought on by their very powerful smell? There is no denying lilies are one of the prettiest flowers around but many are turned off by the work involved in keeping them looking so beautiful. Worry no more! DoorO has the solution with these oh so realistic faux lilies in glass vases. This is a beautiful arrangement of 8 lilies, 4 stems of 4 open lilies and 4 lilies opening. They look incredibly real but you have the added bonus of longevity. These faux lilies are great as a gift as they are maintenance free. This arrangement is a real show stopper for any entrance hall or table. Glass Vase measuring 14 x 17cm included in this deal! Price includes delivery within Ireland. Send us a message to request delivery rates outside of this.


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